Please go to for up-to-date and complete bodies of work. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One Retro Kitchen

I have FINALLY scanned my final project from Experimental last semester. My basic process was to first photograph traditional kitchen items in the studio. I used 35mm film to keep things simple. I made 8x10 prints of the negatives. Onto these prints I transferred advertisements from the 1950's and 60's (into the background only). Then I used oil-based paint and colored pencils to hand color the images.

Here is my artist statement:
And finally, the images!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cat in Walkerville

Right now I'm in Butte on a fieldtrip with a photo class! I'd never been here before and it's definitely more interesting than i had given it credit for. I'm mostly shooting film with the Holga but when I saw this cat just looking at us I pulled out my phone. Hopefully I will get my Holga shots scanned and up here soon!
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Cat in Walkerville

Right now I'm in Butte on a fieldtrip with a photo class! I'd never been here before and it's definitely more interesting than i had given it credit for. I'm mostly shooting film with the Holga but when I saw this cat just looking at us I pulled out my phone. Hopefully I will get my Holga shots scanned and up here soon!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7